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Chocolatey is a machine-level package manager and installer for software packages, built for the Windows NT platform.

It is an execution engine using the NuGet packaging infrastructure and Windows PowerShell to provide an automation tool for installing software on Windows machines, designed to simplify the process from the user perspective.

  1. ‘The Office’: How Brian Baumgartner Ended up With ‘Thousands’ of Signed Fan Photos Addressed to Kevin Malone.
  2. TailWindCSS Cheat sheet. Reference list for all utility classes and CSS properties of Tailwind CSS.

The name is an extension on a pun of NuGet (from 'nougat') 'because everyone loves Chocolatey nougat'.

Chocolatey can be invoked by the PackageManagement module (Formerly 'OneGet') of PowerShell version 5.0.


To Install Chocolatey, from a Powershell Administrator console, simply do:

And you're ready to go.

If you want a window interface instead of the powershell console, you can do: choco install chocolateygui.

Powershell Auto-Completion

The second line in the previous listing creates your powershell $PROFILE file.

If it doesn't already exist, Chocolatey will not add auto-completion to it.

In case you missed it, or if you would like to add it yourself, open your $PROFILE and copy/paste the following lines:


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listlists remote or local packages
searchsearches remote or local packages
inforetrieves package information
installinstalls packages from various sources
pinpins a package to suppress upgrades
outdatedretrieves packages that are outdated
upgradeupgrades packages from various sources
uninstalluninstalls a package

See also the Chocolatey Command Reference for a complete list.


Find a package
choco listList all chocolatey packages
choco search zipSearch packages mentionning 'zip'
choco search --by-tag compressionSearch packages by their tags
choco search --by-id-only zipSearch packages with 'zip' in the package name
choco search --order-by-popularity zipFilter and sort by package results by popularity
choco search --approved-only zipOnly return approved packages
choco info 7zipGet information about 7zip package
choco install 7zipInstall
choco install 7zip --install-directory=P:7zInstall to a specific directory
choco list --localonlyList installed packages
choco outdatedList upgradable packages
choco upgrade all -yUpgrade all packages
choco pin listList pinned packages
choco pin add --name 7zipSuppress upgrades for 7zip
choco pin remove --name 7zipSupress upgrades supression for 7zip ;)

Prefered search method: choco search --by-id-only --order-by-popularity --approved-only searchstring

Other Command line switches

--helpPrints out the help menu.
--install-directory=VALUEInstall Directory Override
-y, --yesConfirm all prompts.
-f, --forceForce the behavior.
--what-ifDon't actually do anything, simulate.
--execution-timeout=VALUEThe time to allow a command to finish.
--fail-on-standard-errorFail on standard error output (stderr).
--use-system-powershellExecute PowerShell using an external process.
--debugShow debug messaging.
--verboseShow verbose messaging.
--traceShow trace messaging.
--log-file=VALUELog File to output to in addition to regular loggers.
--no-colorDo not show colorization in output.
--limit-outputLimit the output to essential information.
--no-progressDo not show download progress percentages.
--allow-unofficial-buildAllow the use of an unofficial build.
cheat sheet['ʧiːtˌʃiːt]
1) амер.; студ. шпаргалка
2) памятка, шпаргалка (краткая запись, сделанная для памяти)

Write out what you want to say in brief words (like a cheat sheet). — Пишите всё, что хотите сказать, кратко (как шпаргалку).

Keep a cheat sheet or try to use the same name and password for all sites. — Заведите памятку или старайтесь использовать одни и те же имена и пароли на всех сайтах.

Web Search Cheat Sheet. — Памятка для поиска в интернете.


Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.

Смотреть что такое 'cheat sheet' в других словарях:

  • Cheat sheet — may refer to the Wikipedia:Cheatsheet. A cheat sheet that is used contrary to the rules of an exam may need to be small enough to conceal in the palm of the hand … Wikipedia

  • cheat sheet — noun 1. : a sheet containing information (as test answers) used illicitly for one s advancement 2. : a written or graphic key or point of reference that helps in understanding or remembering something complex * * * n. informal a piece of paper… … Useful english dictionary

  • cheat sheet — noun a) A sheet of paper containing notes used to assist (with or without permission) on a test. If you have trouble remembering all the trigonometric identities, the book has a cheat sheet in back that lists them. b) Any summary or quick … Wiktionary

  • cheat sheet — noun Date: circa 1957 1. a sheet containing information (as test answers) used secretly for cheating 2. a written or graphic aid (as a sheet of notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding or remembering something complex … New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cheat sheet — /ˈtʃit ʃit/ (say cheet sheet) noun Colloquial 1. → time sheet. 2. Computers a page of cheats (def. 8). 3. any document which provides unauthorised assistance, as the answers to an exam … Australian-English dictionary

  • Amoy dialect/Cheat sheet/simplified — Cheat sheet = Here is an English/Amoy/Mandarin conversion list for some of the more commonly seen particles: *back to main article *view chart in traditional Chinese script … Wikipedia

  • Amoy dialect/Cheat sheet/traditional — Cheat sheet = Here is an English/Amoy/Mandarin conversion list for some of the more commonly seen particles: *back to main article *view chart in simplified Chinese script … Wikipedia

  • sheet — noun 1 large piece of fabric used on a bed ADJECTIVE ▪ clean, crisp, fresh ▪ a pile of clean sheets ▪ crumpled, rumpled (esp. AmE) ▪ … Collocations dictionary

  • cheat — 01. He [cheated] on the test; he kept looking at my paper every time the teacher turned her back. 02. My father [cheated] on his income tax by not declaring all the tips he received as a taxi driver. 03. His wife found out he had been [cheating]… … Grammatical examples in English

  • cheat — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Cheat is used before these nouns: ↑sheet {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} verb Cheat is used with these nouns as the object: ↑death, ↑stockholder … Collocations dictionary

  • crib sheet — noun Date: 1960 cheat sheet … New Collegiate Dictionary


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