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  1. Rohatsu Sesshin Meaning
  2. Sesshin Schedule

Stonewater Zen Centre (SWZ) is a part of the White Plum Asanga, within the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi (1931-1995) who founded the Los Angeles Zen Centre. Maezume Roshi is considered a pioner of modern Zen, and found ways of making traditional Zen practice and teaching accessible to people in the 'West' and in the present time. Object-oriented, extendable advanced session handling component written with security in mind that mitigates attacks like Session Hijacking, Session Fixation, Session Exposure, Sesion Poisoning, Session Prediction.

Sesshins (Zen meditation retreats held in silence and seclusion), are offered about once a month at the Rochester Zen Center, and vary in length from two to seven days. About ten hours of formal zazen is done each day, and more hours of informal zazen are encouraged. Dokusan is offered three times a day. As sesshins are rigorous, demanding a great deal of the sitter, it is advisable to be sitting regularly at home (and at a Center if possible) before applying to sesshin. Anyone who has been to an introductory workshop at the Rochester Zen Center or an affiliate may apply. It is also generally advisable for beginners to start with a 2- or 4-day sesshin.

Sesshin meaning

Sesshin is an extended meditation that includes sitting meditation, walking meditation, chanting, oryoki (a formal, meditative way of eating), Dharma talks (Teisho) by the sesshin leader or Teacher. Note that only those who have finished with the Orientation Workshop or are familiar with the etiquette of Sanbo Zen meditation practices may join the Sesshins.


Rohatsu Sesshin Meaning

Sesshin near me

Tony Perlas Memorial zazenkai – January 19, 2020, Sunday

Baguio Sesshins:
Summer Sesshin – April 22 Wed to 26, 2020, Sunday (avoiding the pre & post holy week hassles) -28th Baguio Zen Center Anniversary sesshin July 8 Wed – 8 Sunday

November 19-26, 2020
Betania Retreat House

Sesshin Schedule

December 6, 2020
Heroes Hills zendo

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