Mdi Icons Cheatsheet

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Mdi Icons Cheatsheet

  1. Google Material Design Icons
  2. Material Design Icons

The Quasar Icon component allows you to easily insert icons within other components or any other area of your pages, as you’d like. Quasar currently supports: Material Icons, Font Awesome, Ionicons, MDI and IcoMoon. Except for IcoMoon (which has a license), you can either choose to use only one of them or use multiple. Note: We do not include the ability to use mdi-flip-. and mdi-rotate-. at the same time. Iconify is the most versatile icon framework available. It offers one syntax for over 80 popular icon sets that include over 60,000 icons. It can also be used with custom icons. Iconify SVG framework is designed to replace outdated glyph fonts and offer huge choice of icons. Unlike other SVG frameworks, Iconify only loads icons that are. Mobirise contains a special extension to work with icon fonts and this font is available by default. If you want to add some icons to your page made with other tools, install a icon font to your page first. 1) Download the icon font files, and put the mobirise folder to the same folder with your page. Print this page to PDF for the complete set of vectors. Or to use on the desktop, install Material-Design-Iconic-Font.ttf, set it as the font in your application, and copy and paste the icons (not the unicode, if your switch to show it) directly from this page into your designs. To show icons unicode choose 'Show icons codes' in sidebar. If you use 2.0 font version as standalone font - you should update it carefully.

Here is a list of all currently used icons in Mantid.These icons are from Material Design Icons (3.6.95), an open sourceicon project by Google. Best place to find new unused iconsis on the cheatsheet.

A developer who adds a new icon to a GUI should update this list withit’s specific usage if it can be used anywhere else in the codebase.

General Icons¶

UsegetIcon String | Icon
Plot Multiple“mdi.chart-areaspline”
Zoom In“mdi.magnify-plus-outline”
Zoom Out“mdi.magnify-minus-outline”
Move to Table“mdi.file-move”
Beam Centre“mdi.adjust”
Process All“mdi.sigma”
Mdi Icons CheatsheetMdi icons list

Table Icons¶

UsegetIcon StringIcon
Export Data“mdi.file-export”
Add Row“mdi.table-row-plus-after”
Remove Row“mdi.table-row-remove”
New Table“mdi.table-plus”
Remove Table“mdi.table-remove”
Expand All“mdi.expand-all”
Collapse All“mdi.collapse-all”

Using 'inline' SVG icon code


Google Material Design Icons

You can use the code of your SVG icon files. Download some SVG icon and open it using any text editor to learn its code. You can simply paste it into your HTML code.

Material Design Icons

<svg fill='#000000' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='24' xmlns=''><path d='M 12,0 C 11.80898,-0.00131698 11.637806,0.10630841 11.552734,0.27734375 L 8.15625,7.0703125 0.37890625,9.015625 C 0.02138515,9.104785 -0.12019317,9.5368611 0.11523438,9.8203125 L 4.9765625,15.654297 4.0039062,23.4375 c -0.050317,0.401757 0.3727673,0.693617 0.7304688,0.503906 L 12,20.066406 l 7.265625,3.875 c 0.357702,0.189711 0.780786,-0.102149 0.730469,-0.503906 L 19.023438,15.654297 23.884766,9.8203125 C 24.120194,9.536861 23.978615,9.1047849 23.621094,9.015625 L 15.84375,7.0703125 12.447266,0.27734375 C 12.36345,0.10882575 12.188204,0.00164408 12,0 Z m 0,1.6171875 3.052734,6.1054687 c 0.06527,0.1306969 0.184437,0.2263133 0.326172,0.2617188 l 7.226563,1.8066406 -4.490235,5.3886724 c -0.08857,0.106654 -0.128889,0.245293 -0.111328,0.382812 l 0.88086,7.042969 -6.650391,-3.546875 c -0.146573,-0.07777 -0.322177,-0.07777 -0.46875,0 L 5.1152344,22.605469 5.9960938,15.5625 C 6.0136552,15.424981 5.9733368,15.286342 5.8847656,15.179688 L 1.3945312,9.7910156 8.6210938,7.984375 C 8.7628285,7.9489695 8.8819922,7.853353 8.9472656,7.7226562 Z'/></svg>

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