- How To Tango With Django — A guide to using Django, a complex Python web framework. Codecademy — walks you through making a couple of simple games. Pygame tutorials — Pygame is a popular Python library for making games, and this is a list of tutorials for it. Making games with Pygame — A book that teaches you how to make games in.
- 20/5/2020 Python Functions and Logic: Introduction to Python Cheatsheet Codecademy 1/4 A comment is a piece of text within a program that is not executed. It can be used to provide additional information to aid in understanding the code. The # character is used to start a comment and it continues until the end of the line. Python supports different types of arithmetic operations that can be.
View Learn Python 3 Loops Cheatsheet Codecademy.pdf from ENG AP at Sanford High School. Cheatsheets / Learn Python 3 Loops Python For Loop A Python for loop can be used to iterate over a. View Learn Python 3 Loops Cheatsheet Codecademy.pdf from CS MISC at College of Engineering. Cheatsheets / Learn Python 3 Loops Python For Loop A Python for loop can be used to iterate over a list. Python Cheat Sheet 1. Primitives Numbers. In the above example, pi is the variable name, while 3.14 is the value. You can use the basic mathematical operators: 3+3 6.
Python Programming Language Cheat Sheet
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- name = raw_input(“What is your name”) # 获取用户输入
- 逻辑运算符: not, and, or
- list中:append多用于把元素作为一个整体插入;insert多用于固定位置插入;extend多用于list中多项分别插入;remove删除第一个匹配的元素;del根据index删除,返回删除后的list;pop也是index,但是返回的是删除的元素
- ”-“.join(list) # 在list中的元素间 添加-连接起来
- while/else, for/else: 循环正常退出(无break),else会执行
- print char, “,”保证输出不换行
- for index, item in enumerate(choices): # 同时获取index和item
- zip能创建2个以上lists的pair/tuple等,在最短的list的end处停止。
- a, b = 1, 2; a, b = str.split(‘-‘) # 逗号分别赋值
- print a, b 等同 print a + “ “ + b,但后者使用了字符串连接符,可能类型不匹配,前者更好
- lists[::-1],代表lists逆序
- [i for i in my if i%30] 等同 filter(lambda i: i%30, my) # 重组list列表
- with语句:如果对象包括方法__enter__()和__exit__(),则可以用,进行自动关闭文件;线程锁的自动获取和释放;异常的捕捉和打印;
- 类的没有参数的方法,是静态方法,属于这个类;实例对象的调用,需要有个self参数,a.func()–>func(a)
- if name ‘main’: 如果直接执行,为True;如果被其他module import,为False
- 重载运算符:add(self,other), mul, gt(self,other), lt, ge, le, pos(self), int(self,类型转换)
- str(self)定义当str()调用的时候的返回值,如print a;repr(self)定义repr()被调用的时候的返回值,如a
- iter(self)函数,会返回一个迭代器
- 使用yield: 带有yield的函数在Python中被称之为generator:生成器
- 函数内部用for循环包含yield语句,执行到yield var时,函数就返回一个迭代值var,下次迭代时,代码从yield var 的下一条语句继续执行,而函数的本地变量看起来和上次中断执行前是完全一样的,于是函数继续执行,直到再次遇到yield
- python是动态语言,比如一个类,可以在运行过程中随时添加属性
- 正则表达式re
Python Cheat Code
- 全局/局部变量
- 函数内部的变量名如果第一次出现,且出现在=前面,即被视为定义一个局部变量
- 函数内部的变量名如果第一次出现,且出现在=后边,则视为引用全局的变量
- 函数内部如果想把全局变量,放到=前边赋值,需要加global修饰
- file1.py的global_var,在file2.py中,需要import file1, file1.global_var这样用